Automating Disclosure for Banks and Financial Services

Cut the time it takes to produce disclosure documents by up to 50%

Producing disclosure documents in a manual way - managing multiple documents, comments, email trails, word styles, and typesetting can increase the risk of technical accuracy, and human error resulting in reputational damage or being deemed as non-compliant.

Over 30 leading Australian and New Zealand Financial Services Organisations use Objective Keystone as the disclosure management tool. Objective Keystone helps companies such as HUB24 & Insignia Financial Group to mitigate risk by increasing accountability and reducing errors occurring within their documents. This speeds up the process of bringing new products and offers to market by half the amount of time.

Download the Solution Overview to:

  • Learn how Objective Keystone can significantly reduce time to market for TMD, PDS, T&C, Insurance Guides, Investment Accounts, Home Loans, Annual Reports, and more
  • Transform the way you edit, review, approve and publish content
  • Discover how you can deploy a compliant and verified approval process