Investigation into Apache Tomcat WebSocket Race Condition CVE-2022-25762 vulnerability and mitigation status for Objective products

Mitigation actions for Objective products

Last updated: Fri 20 May 2022, 4:30pm AEST

A vulnerability has been discovered that affects certain versions of Apache Tomcat; a HTTP web server leveraged by several Objective solutions.

The identified issue presents as a potential race condition when using WebSockets, that could introduce possible disclosure of information or a Denial-of-Service attack.

More details on the issue are available through CVE-2022-25762.

Please return to this blog post for updates from the Objective Team.

Are my Objective solutions affected?

Since the issue was initially identified, the Objective Product Development Team has been actively investigating the impact of the vulnerability across the entire range of Objective solutions. Each product has been updated with a status, denoting the current state of the investigation and the next steps to be taken.

The following table will be updated as the status of each investigation is updated:

  • Not Affected: Vulnerability does not affect this product
  • Mitigated: Security configuration put in place whilst awaiting Patch
  • Mitigation Available: A Security configuration is available to be applied
  • Patch Pending: Investigation complete. Mitigation in progress
  • Patch Applied: Patch has been applied by the Objective Team
  • Patch Available: Patch available for customers to install. Contact Objective Support for details

Content Solutions



Objective ECM 11.1

Not Affected

Objective ECM 11.0.x

Not Affected

Objective ECM 10.x

Not Affected

Objective Connect

Not Affected

Objective Connect Link (on-premise)

Not Affected

Objective Connect Link (cloud)

Not Affected

Objective Gov365 (on-premise)

Not Affected

Objective Gov365 (Cloud)

Not Affected

Objective Redact

Not Affected

Objective Ministerials

Not Affected

Objective OpenGov

Not Affected




Objective RegWorks (cloud)

Not Affected

Objective Regworks Mobile

Not Affected

Objective Regworks (on-prem)

Not Affected

Objective Regworks Mobile (on-prem)

Not Affected

Objective Reach

Not Affected




Objective Keystone

Not Affected

Planning and Building



Objective Trapeze

Not Affected


Not Affected


Not Affected